I used about 3 1/2 skeins from Handpaintedyarn.com, in the "Lettuce Violet" colorway. (FYI: The yarn was more vivid than pictured online, but that's the gamble with a kettle-dyed product.) The pattern was free, courtesy of Lion Brand, but you have to be registered there in order to see it.
And why the title, you ask? Well, I was racking my brain, trying to figure out why the color scheme seemed so familiar, when the answer dawned...

Very fitting for these last few days of waiting for Book 7!
In less exciting news, I'm going to have to cool my knitting heels for a few weeks. There's a spot on my wall that's calling for a gigantic cross-stitch sampler. Hopefully, the knitting will forgive me upon my return. :)